The triumphant return of a YA franchise, Trolls, and Ridley Scott. The not so triumphant return of Taika Waititi and Disney Animation. Plus: the anniversary of one of Spielberg’s directorial wins; Big Trouble in Little China and A League of Their Own at the Ritz; more Sight and Sound at the PFC! See what’s playing in Philly from November 17th to November 23rd.

The King Queen is back! Oscar season begins and the movies are pouring in – Holdovers, Rustin, Priscilla, and it won’t stop! Also: AMC is coming for Regal’s crown with its first mystery new release screening; the Landmark starts its month of Hanks; the Sight and Sound 100 is winding down at the Film Society; Clue in 35; and more! See what’s playing in Philadelphia from November 3rd to November 9th!