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Cries and Whispers

PFS East 125 South 2nd Street, Philadelphia

INGMAR BERGMAN | SWEDEN | 1972 | 91 MIN | R | SWEDISH, GERMAN, DANISH  Ingmar Bergman creates a dramatic and visual souffle, doused in red, when two sisters (Ingrid

The Sting

PFS East 125 South 2nd Street, Philadelphia

GEORGE ROY HILL | USA | 1973 | 129 MIN | PG | ENGLISH | 4K  Set during the Great Depression, the cunning Paul Newman and Robert Redford try to

Lady Bird

PFS East 125 South 2nd Street, Philadelphia

GRETA GERWIG | USA | 2017 | 94 MIN | R | ENGLISH, SPANISH  Acclaimed actress and writer Greta Gerwig’s solo directorial debut is an electrifying and utterly gratifying coming-of-age